(954) 362-2720
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Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
Women can naturally lose their sexual desire and libido as they get older or experience menopause or childbirth. Female sexual dysfunction can ruin any relationship between a woman and their partner.
Are you in a similar situation in Parkland? Has your sex drive diminished? The symptoms of female sexual dysfunction could include any of the following:
You should not have to live with any of these sexual-related health problems. Fortunately, you don’t because we can effectively treat your female sexual dysfunction with an effective natural solution called O-Shot®.
What is the O-Shot®?
O-Shot® is a sophisticated and non-invasive sexual dysfunction treatment to help women overcome their sexual health problems. It is a 100% natural solution requiring no dangerous incisions and causing no side effects. Only needles will get put inside of you during the procedure.
The O-Shot® solution consists of platelet-rich plasma extract from a blood sample. The urologist enriches the plasma and injects it into the damaged parts of your clitoris and vagina. The plasma stimulates cellular growth to repair damaged tissues and restore sexual functionality.
What are the Benefits of the O-Shot®?
The benefits you can enjoy from the O-Shot® procedure are as follows:
O-Shot® has the potential to give you longer and more satisfying sexual performances. Best of all, you will have a much higher chance of achieving multiple orgasms of great intensity and pleasure. We know you will not be disappointed with the results.
How Is the O-Shot® Procedure Performed?
The O-Shot® only takes five simple steps for the urologist to perform it on a female patient. Here are the steps below:
It should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete the O-Shot® procedure.
When Can I See My O-Shot® Results?
Wait a few days after the O-Shot® procedure, and you should start to see some positive health effects. But it will take up to four months for your stem cells and vaginal tissues to completely rejuvenate and heal. Then, you will feel the height of the sexual health benefits.
Ready to Schedule Your O-Shot® Consultation in Parkland?
Gousse Urology recommends returning to our facility every four months for more O-Shot® injections. That is how you can sustain the sexual health effects for a continuous amount of time. Dr. Gousse will discuss this more with you during your initial consultation with him.
Call us at (954) 362-2720 or use our contact form to schedule your appointment today.
How do I qualify for the O-Shot®?
Dr. Angelo Gousse determines each patient’s eligibility after the initial consultation and urologic examination. Most female adult patients will qualify if they don’t have vaginal injuries or diseases.
Dr. Gousse can recommend other treatment options if you have a vaginal injury or disease. Otherwise, you will likely qualify for the O-Shot® treatment.
Will health insurance cover the O-Shot®?
Your health insurance provider will likely deny coverage for an O-Shot® procedure because it is not a life-saving treatment. Contact your insurer if you have any questions about this.
How safe is the O-Shot® procedure?
It is 100% safe and risk-free. The O-Shot® solution contains no added ingredients or chemicals. The only thing it contains is the platelet-enriched plasma extracted from your blood. Therefore, your body will not reject it or have an adverse reaction to it.
Why Choose Dr. Gousse for My Parkland O-Shot®?
Dr. Angelo Gousse is a licensed and renowned urologist. He has over 25 years of professional experience restoring and revitalizing sexual dysfunction in women and men. He has also created new and innovative sexual health treatments for his patients. Many other urologists look to him for advice and guidance on the best methods for treating their patients.
Gousse Urology is proud to introduce the new O-Shot® procedure we have created to treat female sexual dysfunction without surgery effectively. Dr. Gousse will perform a fast and pain-free treatment lasting no longer than 30 minutes. You will not be disappointed.
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