O-Shot® for Women - Fort Lauderdale, FL

O-Shot® for Women - Fort Lauderdale
Are you looking for a O-Shot® Urologist for Women in Fort Lauderdale, FL?

Women want to be as sexually satisfied as men. Unfortunately, women can experience sexual dysfunctions because of childbirth, menopause, or age. Does this sound familiar?

The signs of female sexual dysfunction include low libido, trouble orgasming, urinary incontinence, painful intercourse, and little natural lubrication. As a result, the woman will usually develop symptoms of depression, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence. Then she’ll have psychological and physical issues together.

So what is the solution? Gousse Urology now offers a non-invasive treatment solution for female sexual dysfunction called O-Shot®. It is a fast and efficient procedure requiring no surgery or recovery time. The best part is that you’ll likely notice the positive results within a few days.

What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® is a new and innovative procedure for enhancing a woman’s sexual health and desire. It targets her clitoral and vaginal health by stimulating their stem cells to revitalize the tissues and nerve cells. Then you will have a tighter vaginal opening and extra vaginal sensitivity during sex.

Every dose of O-Shot® is made from the platelet-rich plasma of the patient’s blood. Since the proteins in plasma have growth factors for stimulating stem cells, the plasma can help improve the health of the cells within the vagina area. Soon, you will experience more sexual stimulation and desire than you have felt in a long time. 

What are the Benefits of the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot®’s main benefit is to give you the ability to orgasm during sex. Here are the underlying benefits of the O-Shot® responsible for making this happen:

  • Tighter vaginal opening
  • Reduced urinary incontinence
  • Reduced pain during sex
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • More sexual stamina
  • High libido

These are the results of having a rejuvenated clitoris and vagina. As more blood flows to these two areas during sex, you will feel immense sexual satisfaction. You may even develop multiple orgasms too.

There are no side effects associated with the O-Shot®. So you don’t have to take personal risks when you elect to receive the O-Shot® treatment.

How Is the O-Shot® Procedure Performed?

The steps are as follows:

  1. The urologist draws a blood sample from your arm
  2. An FDA-approved centrifuge device rotates the blood, causing platelet-rich plasma to separate from it.
  3. The platelet-rich plasma gets transformed into a platelet-rich fibrin matrix.
  4. An anesthetic gel is applied to the vagina and clitoris to eliminate potential pain.
  5. The platelet-rich fibrin matrix gets injected into the vagina and clitoris.

Now, your body’s healing system will begin to repair your nerve cells and vaginal tissues to promote better sexual health

When Can I See My O-Shot® Results?

The average female patient experiences increased sexual desire a few days after the O-Shot® injections. Of course, the results vary per patient based on how long it takes for their damaged nerve cells and vaginal tissues to get repaired and rejuvenated. Patients with more damage will need more time for it to get repaired. The full effects of O-Shot® are usually noticeable after 3 or 4 months. 

Ready to Schedule Your O-Shot® Consultation in Fort Lauderdale?

You can make an appointment with Dr. Angelo Gousse by calling our office at (954) 362-2720. A staff member will schedule your appointment at our Fort Lauderdale office.

O-Shot® FAQs in Fort Lauderdale?

What are the eligibility requirements to receive the O-Shot® injection?

All healthy women over 18 years of age are prime candidates for O-Shot®. Dr. Angelo Gousse will give you an examination during your first visit with him at Gousse Urology in Fort Lauderdale. This examination will allow him to determine if you’re healthy enough to receive the O-Shot® injection. You should be an acceptable candidate if you don’t have any underlying urologic health issues.

Will my health insurance pay for any of the O-Shot® costs?

No, the O-Shot® is an elective procedure not covered by traditional health insurance carriers. Therefore, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for the entire procedure.

Is the O-Shot® offer long-lasting effects?

You should feel the effects of the O-Shot® injection for at least 3 to 4 months, which is when the full effects kick in. After that, you will need another injection every 3 to 4 months to keep the results.

Are there risks associated with the O-Shot® injections?

There are no risks from getting the O-Shot® procedure because you are not getting any foreign substances injected into you. The platelet-rich plasma comes from your own body, so the source of the O-Shot® is 100% natural to your body. There won’t be a negative reaction at all.

Why Choose Dr. Gousse for My Fort Lauderdale O-Shot®?

Dr. Angelo Gousse is one of the most sought-after urologists in Fort Lauderdale. Hundreds of female patients have come to Gousse Urology to seek treatment for their sexual dysfunctions and urologic issues. Dr. Gousse maintains a safe and ethical practice where all his patients are greeted with guidance and receive top-quality treatment. Gousse Urology is an excellent place to get the O-Shot® because you can trust Dr. Gousse and his staff to make it a pleasant experience with minimal stress or discomfort.